Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Reasons to be happy today include, but are not limited to,
The beautiful weather. Bright blue sunshine and a temperature so perfect I didn't mind the walk from Elings to Rasmussen, even with my ginormous bag hitting my knees and attempting to cripple me.
Happy memories. In philosophy class today, instead of thinking about Descartes, my mind inexplicably picked up on a memory that made me smile. For the life of me, I don't remember what it was-just that it had Tate and I in it and we were laughing.
Good music. Melodies wrapping around you, blocking out the world when you want to simply by turning the music up. Plus, you look cool with headphones in and you know it.
My favorite clothes-my sister jeans, my striped lightweight sweater and my yellow converse. That's like pulling on a smile and a hug at the same time.
The fact that Tate's gonna be here in 30 minutes so we can go get soda and chill in the writing lab before I have to tutor.
The fact that after *that*, i'm going to go celebrate one of the coolest girls in the world's birthday, at my favorite restaurant in the world, with some of my favorite people in the world.
and then after THAT, I'm going to go to a cooking club with my big sister, who also happens to be one of the coolest girls in the world, and also happens to be on the short list of my favorite people in the world.
Lists. Not many things can perk me up than making lists of reasons to be happy, or keep me organized like lists of all the crap I have to do, or make me feel guilty when I ignore them than lists do. I still like them.
That I just found the absolutely-perfect-Christmas-gift for some of my people, and perfect bday presents for Tytom and Richard.
That the $50 purse I've been coveting is now $12.50 on Yippee. Good things DO come to those who wait.
That I've been blessed to be able to go to school. Even though I whine about homework, and heaven help you if you speak to me on Friday between 7 a.m and 12:50, I do love this place and everything I get to do. Keep your eye out for the new issue of Bifrost, GVC's literary mag, coming out in the spring-guess whose name is gonna be under the "Editor" slot? This girl.
Opportunities. Whenever I see something cool or artistic or beautiful or admirable, I think "I wish I had gotten to do that." Then I realize I've got all the time God's given me to do just that. I could learn to play the violin, I can watch those films and read those books, I can write that story, and I can travel wherever the heck I want. I can volunteer my time, I can learn to quilt, I can rescue a puppy. The world is pretty much a limitless possibility at this point, and I still have my family to come back to to ground me. How many people can say that?
Grape soda. This one needs no explanation.
Good hair days. Neither does this one.
Trick-or-treating. I can't wait to take the sibs out to hear them tell lame jokes and giggle and get handfuls of candy, especially since I've placed dibs on all the Snickers.
Getting homework done ahead of time. I am thisclose to having all my homework done that's due between now and Monday morning. Two response papers and one journal entry to go, and this girl is a free bird.
Thanksgiving. Can I put this one on here when I've just put down trick-or-treating? Actually, it's my list, so I'm gonna go ahead and put the day before Thanksgiving on here too. There isn't another day in the year that I'm as happy and secure as when I'm standing in the kitchen with my mom and sisters the day before Thanksgiving, baking up goodness and listening to christmas carols. Then comes Thanksgiving itself, which is full of cinnamon rolls, parade watching, more food, Day-after-Thanksgiving ads, and the best part-being surrounded by family and friends. And it's *justaroundthecorner.*
The fact that I'm 2/3rds of the way through the semester, and after that, only one semester left til I graduate. I love what I've learned and gotten to do, but I am ready to see what comes next. Real life? Grad school? Homeless-with-an-English-degree? who knows, but I can't wait to find out.
The fact that we get to vote next Tuesday. When you think about how few the years between now and when some of us didn't get to vote, it makes me that much more thankful for the opportunities we have now. No matter who's elected in 6 days, I'm still going to be proud of this country.
The fact that Brandon and Ty are coming home from IA city for the weekend in 1.5 weeks.

Well, I guess I should get back to that whole homework thing. But I'm keeping the headphones in, cuz even though I'm not blogging anymore, I still want to look cool.

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